Ricardo Cesar
CEO , Ideal / H+K
Ricardo Cesar is the founder and global CEO at Ideal, a communications and PR firm focused on companies that have innovation at the top of their agendas. He is also a member of the Global Leadership Council at Hill + Knowlton Strategies (H+K), one of the biggest PR networks in the world, with over 80 offices in all continents. Ideal is a global H+K subsidiary with operations in Brazil, Mexico, USA and Europe. Cesar is a senior adviser who has played a pivotal role in defining and implementing communications strategies for multinational corporations such as Google, Facebook / Meta, Amazon, SoftBank, Uber, AirBnb, Nike, Nestlé, AbInbev, Volkswagen, XP Inc., Stone, Mercado Livre (Meli), Spotify, GE, to name a few. Ricardo has taken a special interest in reputation management amid the digital evolution that is transforming the way the public consumes and shares information.